BlackGirlsHack (BGH) is excited to announce its partnership with HyperQube.io to roll out our BGH Cloud Labs training program. BGH Cloud Labs is the brainchild of BGH’s Executive Director Tennisha Martin. It was envisioned as a way to provide Ethical Hacking (Red Team) and Security Operations (Blue Team) training in the cloud for people who did not have the physical resources or computing required necessary to do them on their home computers.
When BlackGirlsHack started, Tennisha began teaching home lab workshops to show future cyber pros how they can build a home lab on their computers and be able to practice everything from network penetration testing, web application penetration testing, web application security testing and red and blue team skills. Many of those participants were not able to continue with the workshops after it became clear that their home laptops and computers did not have enough memory or ram available to support a virtual lab environments.
From this, the idea of BGH Cloud Labs was born to provide a cloud-based laboratory environment that would allow anyone with an internet connection to be able to hone and grow their ethical hacking skills without the need for computer or laboratory upgrades. From there Tennisha began working with the BGH team to research affordable cloud based solutions that would allow us to be able host hands on lab workshops that would provide an interactive environment for people to learn.
HyperQube’s CEO Craig Stevenson dropped into one of these Friday Night Labs sessions and reached out to the instructor about ethical hacking lab training re-envisioned. After seeing the HyperQube cyber range Tennisha knew that this would be the perfect platform to bring the BGH Cloud Labs project to life.
BGH Cloud Labs powered by HyperQube is being unveiled at Friday Night Labs on Friday April 29, 2022. Join us at meetup.com/blackgirlshack